It's been just under two years since I was that terrified 22 year old girl boarding a plane to Asia to start what I thought was going to be a very planned adventure. Although with the full intention on completing a 10 month teaching job in HCMC, Vietnam and then a quick UK return, my life slightly escalated into:
23 months
29 flights
8 countries
5 jobs
6 homes
1 motorbike
63 blog posts
7 phones
1 tattoo
4 hair braids
164 bowls of pho
I'm now 24, with a ton of great memories, even greater friends and a much better outlook on life.
I can't thank these friends enough for being my home away from home for all this time. I am just so grateful to the ones who have shown me love over the past two years.
Arriving back in Heathrow, where I left all those months ago, was bloody emotional. The arrivals lounge saw us accidentally remake the Love Actually introduction, as I reunited with my mum and dad.
It was beautiful to see them after so long, and it came with a massive mix of emotions. After landing 2 weeks ago now, I've felt this overwhelming guilty feeling of being away for so long, which I can't help but take into consideration when deciding what to do in 2016. I've been living so far away for all this time and although Tony and Lou support me through whatever I decide, I can't help but feel bad about the amount of miles between them and I, and the career ladder that I've yet climbed on to.
After visiting some friends in London this weekend, living there doesn't seem as grim as how I've been picturing it for the past few years.
I had done a few magazine internships whilst at uni in London and hated the daily commute and general life in those few months. But on reflection this was probably because I wasn't getting paid. If I am wanting to get my career on track anytime soon, it's inevitable I will have to move to where the jobs are. And although I'm more of a country Norwich girl at heart, there are clearly considerably more opportunities in London Town.
My brother and 80% of my friends are either in London or moving there in the next few months, and being able to see them more than just once every year would be such a delight! This is something that would really sway my deciding what the shit I should do with my life.
I'm flying back to Australia in January, but am very undecided as to how long it will be before I come back to the UK. With the main 'what the fuck am I doing?' theme featured in 2014 and 2015, 2016 is probably going to be no different. However at the moment, I maybe sensing a summer return.
I'm trying not to think about it too much at the moment - all I want to do is embrace my limited time at home!
Right now, I'm just excited about chilling with my cat, eating my body weight in quality street and catching up on 23 months worth of Coronation Street.