Monday, 21 April 2014

My First Week in South East Asia

Arriving at Saigon airport on 1st February was a pretty daunting experience. Adding to that, I was left looking like the worlds stressed/sweatiest/terrified woman, after the person who was supposed to meet me wasn't there for four hours. FOUR HOURS. This was an ordeal and I was all for getting a taxi to the nearest hotel when I heard someone call out “Elizabeth?!”. I could have nearly kissed this small Asian man, however I resisted that urge. Just. It was a massive relief and after arriving at my new home, I slept for the next 24 hours.

It appeared I had arrived during the public “Tet” holiday, and all the other teachers were on holiday. This was pretty difficult, as one of the first things I wanted to do was make friends. I was told most people wouldn't be back for another week.

My new surroundings were daunting, but I made the decision to book a flight for the next night half way up the country to Hoi An. It was either doing this, or staying in my room for the next week on my own! I had to just go out and embrace it.

I spent three nights in Hoi An, relaxing on the beach and exploring a new town. I am so glad I did this, as I now know it is very hard to get time off from my job. Travelling by myself also built my confidence and I met some cool people whilst there.

Having only spent two days in Ho Chi Minh City before flying to Hoi An, I was very keen to get back and meet everyone. However, I was very oblivious to how booked up travel was during this national holiday. I soon found out that all planes, trains and sleeping buses to the city were booked up for the next three days! Being stranded half way up the country and also with no means of contact, I was stressing to say the least. I think the woman at the desk could see my distraught state, and as if by magic she booked me the last seat on a sitting bus.

This journey took just under 24 hours! But I was just glad to be on it. On the plus side, I was able to see most of the country (albeit I was asleep for half of it). I was very happy to be back in Ho Chi Minh City, and soon I was able to meet all the people who I would become great friends with.

It was an eventful first week, but it definitely helped me accustom to a new culture a lot quicker.

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