Wednesday, 23 July 2014

How to pack your life into one bag

The time has come again for me to sort through everything I have and pack my life into one bag, before I start travelling next week (and then eventually move to Australia). Six months ago this was a lot more difficult! I didn't know what I needed and what I didn't - why I packed 3 bottles of shampoo to come over here with I don't know. I also seemed to own a lot more things, it almost feels a little depressing knowing that everything I own can, at a squeeze, fit into one bag.

Over the past few days I've been pretty brutal on what I can and can't take with me. Whatever I take, I have to carry, so any item I haven't worn since living here, it's going. I've come up with a few more tips for anyone who is taking on the challenge of packing their life into one bag, or packing for travelling. 

If you haven't worn it in the past year, don't pack it (in my case the past 6 months)

You have to be brutal. Like I said, anything that you pack, you have to carry. Taking those never-worn heels 'just in case' is pointless. Don't do it. 

Roll your clothes rather than stack them

This gives you a lot more room in your case than if you just folded them. 

You can't have too many traveller pants

Maybe this is just me. They're so comfortable and it makes wearing something that looks a little like pyjamas perfectly acceptable. 

Though it takes up room, always have two towels 

There's nothing worse than coming out the shower and realising your one and only towel is drying from the wash, or with sand all over it. Obviously if you're staying somewhere a little more nicer, they'll provide you with one. But if not, I would say pack two. 

Pack plastic bags, always come in handy

Take half a dozen plastic/freezer bags. They can come in handy for anything - separating dirty washing, muddy shoes, storing shampoos etc. no one wants their Tres Semme all over the one nice outfit they planned to wear that evening. 

Keep everything important with you

There's nothing worse than the last bag coming out at baggage reclaim, and yours is no where to be seen. Keep everything you definitely need in your hand baggage - and a spare outfit too. 

All the things you're less likely to need put towards the bottom of your bag

You're going to have to get used to packing and re packing everything a silly amount of times. Don't make more hard work by putting something you need everyday alright at the bottom.

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